Augustana Academy High School
Class Of 1965
Ken Johnson
Residing In: | Centralia, WA USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Ruth Johnson |
Occupation: | Attorney-retired in2014 |
Children: | Comments:Soren born 1976 and Bjorn born 1979 Soren is a computer game designer has started his More…own company - Mohawk Games. He has married a girl from Lebanon and lives in Maryland. They have three children. They travel to Lebanon each year to visit relatives. We pray for peace there and hope thinks do not get worse. He can be checked out on Google as he has been quite well known in the area of artificial intelligence (whatever that is). Bjorn lives in Issaquah, WA where he works for.Microsoft. He is also married. The father in law is working in Saudi Aradia so I guess our family is tied to the Middle East. |
Military Service: | Army |
Retirement is great. We are constantly traveling. (Someone has to do it so it might as well be us). Just got back from the Baltics where we did 12 days of cycling and some kayaking. We were sad to hear about Walt Ordway. He visited us about 3 years ago. He was full of stories about some of the same places we have been to. Never a dull moment when Walt was around.
I enjoyed Dave Sumpton's story about the removal of the door knobs from old main and the lockout. I know it has been 50 years since that caper but what bothers me is that I cannot remember whether I was involved! If I wasn't, I missed out on a great opportunity for mischief. Maybe it is finally time for full disclosure on who did what.
Ken's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Aug 12, 2021 at 3:33 AM
Posted on: Aug 12, 2017 at 3:33 AM
Posted on: Aug 12, 2016 at 3:33 AM
Posted on: Aug 12, 2015 at 3:33 AM
Ken, your family is beautiful. Hope to see you at our 50th Reunion in a couple of weeks. Hope your enjoying retirement as much as I am :-) Don't know how I got things done when the children were little and working full time. However, now I'm enjoying the grand kids.
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