Barry Gubrud
We've moved from VA to CA. I retired after 37 years working in Manassas. Since we don't have family on the east coast and a trip to SD/MN the week before Christmas (highs seldom reached zero) we decided to move to the Napa/Sonoma area north of San Francisco. Jan grew up in Napa and has sisters in Napa & Glen Ellen. House prices and availability placed us in Santa Rosa. We less than 30 minutes to the ocean and around an hour to San Francisco. We sold our house in VA in less than 48 hours, which was a lot faster than we had planned. Actually moving this year was faster than we had planned, I had to cancel our September OBX beach week that we had been doing for over 30 years. We found a house in Santa Rosa the day after it went on the market and put in an offer. We were the first offer and it was accepted.
Our household was picked up 7/29 and we signed our settlement papers on 7/31. Now homeless while the new house paper work was being processed, we used DocuSign a lot, we started our drive to CA. We made 2 day stops in New Orleans and San Antonio and three days in Tucson where Jan has a niece. We had an overnight stop between each of the extended stays. Being homeless, we had to stay somewhere. We got the keys to the new house on 8/25 and received our stuff from VA a week later.
Backing up a bit, you may remember Mark Larson posting in April about losing his second cousin Janice Robinson Coleman to cancer. Janice’s father and my mother were brother/sister. Frank worked the Academy farm while we were students there. I hadn’t seen my cousins since their father funeral several years earlier. We flew to Bothell WA to visit family and attend the memorial service. At the reception, I ran into Ken Johnson. From Mark’s post, Ken had made the connection between Jan Coleman and the Janice Robinson he had taken math classes with. Funny the people that you run into at funerals. I was able to introduce Ken to several of my cousins who were also Augie alum.
Hope to see you in 2019.